Chief Minister Balochistan Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo chaired a high level meeting to review the implementation of the Prime Minister’s Special Initia­tive for agriculture Transfor­mation Plan on Wednesday.

CM approves Rs100M

In the meeting, the Chief Minister also approved the re­quired funds of Rs, 100 million for issuance of farmer cards and registration of them in province. The meeting was at­tended by Provincial Minister for Agriculture Mir Asadullah Baloch, Chief Secretary Balo­chistan Mathar Niaz Rana and other concerned officials in­cluding Secretary Agriculture.

The meeting was informed that Agriculture Department was taking measures for issu­ance of farmer card, registra­tion of farmers, provision of certified seeds to farmers for increasing agricultural produc­tion under same plan.

Addressing the meeting, the Chief Minister said that the people of our province are mostly involved in agriculture sector and our government will continue its pro-farmer initia­tives to provide relief to the farmers. “Employment security is our top priority for which we will implement all public proj­ects”, he concluded.

Balochistan government would establish a parking plaza in the busiest centre of the provincial capital Quetta to reduce road­side problems and to ensure congestion free travel on its thoroughfares.

The government has also ex­pedited working to establish more parking plazas in Quetta to solve the traffic jam issues and provide safe parking plac­es for the commuters, an offi­cial of Balochistan government said on Wednesday. He said un­availability of designated park­ing areas was the main factor of traffic jam in the provincial capital city. The vehicles parked on the main roads caused nui­sance to the other roads users, he added. The designated park­ing places would be helpful to clear the crowded roads of the capital city keeping in view the public woes due to long traffic jams, he said.

He said the increasing trend of road occupying by commut­ers could cause fatal accidents on the busy roads of Quetta city. He said drivers also pre­ferred to park their vehicles on road, instead of a designated parking. The official said the provincial government had already taken measures to im­prove traffic system and road infrastructure for the safety of road users.

The Balochistan govern­ment has planned to set up a driving academy in Quetta to impart training courses to the people which would eventu­ally curtail the number of road accidents in the city,he added.

He said the Balochistan gov­ernment had given approval to set up Traffic Engineering Bureau, a department for im­provement in traffic system and road infrastructure.

To improve the prevailing traffic system, he said the gov­ernment had also been consid­ering to make further legislation on traffic rules. The official said the government had allocated a special package for provincial capital to expand its various roads to ensure smooth flow of traffic and provide better trans­port facilities to the people. He said the government had also allocated huge funds in the cur­rent Public Sector Development Programme for expanding of roads, installation of traffic sig­nals and marking lanes on the roads in the province.

Source: The News