The Swiss government proposed on Friday increasing by a factor of eight the minimum internet speeds that providers of basic service need to ensure.

At present Swisscom (SCMN.S) has the concession to provide basic service, which runs until the end of next year.

The government noted that increased working from home and homeschooling during the coronavirus pandemic had made clear how important reliable and powerful broadband services are for all sections of the population in all regions.

From 2024, an internet connection with a download speed of 80 Mbit/s and upload speed of 8 Mbit/s will replace the current standard of 10 and 1 Mbit/s, it suggested when putting the proposal out for public comment which runs until March.

The Swiss Re Group is one of the world’s leading providers of reinsurance, insurance and other forms of insurance-based risk transfer, working to make the world more resilient. The aim of the Swiss Re Group is to enable society to thrive and progress, creating new opportunities and solutions for its clients.

The government noted that increased working from home and homeschooling during the coronavirus pandemic had made clear how important reliable and powerful broadband services are for all sections of the population in all regions.

From 2024, an internet connection with a download speed of 80 Mbit/s and upload speed of 8 Mbit/s will replace the current standard of 10 and 1 Mbit/s, it suggested when putting the proposal out for public comment which runs until March.

Source: reuters