Knowledge Sharing Vital To Meet Climate Change Challenges: Shibli Faraz

Need For Knowledge Sharing And Promoting Research Culture In The Country To Meet Climate Change Challenges

Federal Minister for Science and Technology Senator Shibli Faraz stressed the need for knowledge sharing and promoting research culture in the country to meet climate change challenges by undertaking research projects aimed at easing the common man’s life. Addressing as chief guest at the function organized here at Pakistan Science Foundation in connection with the World Science Day Senator Shibli Faraz said, “unfortunately most of us are reluctant to adopt the scientific advancement,” and referred to the stubborn attitude of opposition parties toward the electronic voting machines who were all opposing it giving any valid reason or coming up with suggestions to bring improvement in the system.

“We need to change this mindset and go for result-oriented research which will bring improvement in the life of the people at large,” he said and adding that without proactively pursuing applied research the country could not be put on road to progress and prosperity. Federal Minister for Science and Technology has said that no government in the past was so concerned about environmental issues as their government is and from day first their focus was on bringing environmental improvements and mentioned million tsunami and 10 million tsunami tree plantation drive which was acknowledged globally.

Senator Shibli Faraz also referred to the STEM programme to inculcate the flare for science and technology among the students and hoped that the programme would go a long way in serving the cause of science and technology in the country. He also mentioned the Ministry of Science and Technology achievements like introduction of energy-saving fans which alone would help save 3000 MW of electricity. He said that they would also be planning to make the fuel efficient vehicles.

Federal Secretary, Ministry of Science and Technology, Dr. Akhtar Nazir stressed the need of dealing with the environmental issues on war-footing and called for nations across the globe to come forward to meet the monstrous climate change challenges facing the mankind. Dr. Nazir Akhtar termed the million tree tsunami and 10 million tree tsunami as a leap forward toward environmental protection and praised the commitment of Prime Minister Imran Khan and Federal Science Minister Senator Shibli Faraz towards the environmental up-gradation.

He said that for the survival of nations it would be imperative to equip youth with latest and ever-changing knowledge and referred to the STEM programme launched by the government to popularize science and technology among the youth and hoped that this programme would go a long way in serving the cause of research in the country.

Raza Mohammad Shah read out the message of Director General UNESCO Audrey Azoulay. In the message Audrey Azoulay stressed the need of adopting science and technology to search for the solutions to the problems like climate change, biodiversity loss and declining ocean health.

He further said that this year World Science Day for Peace and Development’s focus was on the importance of science and technology and building climate-ready communities for which knowledge-sharing on the research being done across the globe to deal with climate change and its devastations was a must. Chairman, Pakistan Science Foundation Shahid Baig in his welcome address stressed the need of cooperation both at national and international level for the promotion of Science and Technology.

Dr. Mohammad Mubashir Dogar presented his research paper, “building climate resilient communities,” its devastations and the ways and means to deal with it through adopting scientific research. Federal Minister Senator Shibli Faraz also gave away awards and certificates to journalists for their meritorious services for promotion of science and technology.

Federal Minister for S&T Senator Shibli Faraz chairs World Science Day celebration function at Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF) on Wednesday. Federal Secretary for S&T Dr. Akhtar Nazir and PSF Chairman Dr. Shahid Baig are also present. Federal Minister for S&T Senator Shibli Faraz awards certificates to a student at the World Science Day function at PSF on Wednesday.