Digitization Of Medical System Can Help Realization Of Health Insurance

Dr. Faisal Sultan Said Digitization Of Medical System Can Contribute As A Key Component In Achieving Universal Health Coverage.

Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) on National Health Services (NHS) Dr. Faisal Sultan on Friday said Digitization of medical system can contribute as a key component in achieving universal health coverage. The top health official addressed the dissemination meeting of National Digital Health Framework of Pakistan held in Islamabad.

The workshop was attended by representatives from federal and provincial health departments (HIS/DHIS Focal Points, IT Specialists), federal and provincial line departments (IT, P&D, Finance, Food & Agriculture, Education, Interior, Fisheries & Livestock), UN agencies, health development Partners, academicians, researchers and other stakeholders.

Addressing the meeting, Dr Faisal Sultan, Special Assistant to Prime Minister, said Digitization of medical system can contribute as a key component in achieving universal health coverage and play a pivotal role in improving the reach, impact and efficiency of modern health care and in delivering patient-centred services.

Dr. Faisal Sultan further added that ensuring access to quality health services is one of the main functions of a health system and digital health is increasingly self-evident as a means of making our health systems even more patient-centred. The twin pressures of Pakistan’s growing population and limited infrastructure require that we should embrace and scale-up innovative approaches to healthcare delivery including digital health, for cost-effective healthcare solutions.

On the occasion, representatives of WHO, UNDP, USAID, UNICEF and other health development partners enlighten the importance of digitalisation in health sector and hope that the digital health framework would become an invaluable tool to assist with joint planning and support for strengthening Pakistan’s health system. The outcome of the dissemination meeting is to strengthen coordination with provinces and federating areas for implementation of framework.

This news was originally published at Nation