Govt To Build A Mausoleum In Islamabad To Honor D.R A.Q Khan

The Islamabad Capital Development Authority Has Been Instructed To Prepare A Map For The Mausoleum

The government has decided to build a mausoleum in Islamabad to honour the father of Pakistan’s nuclear bomb Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan, Interior Minister Sheikh Rasheed announced Monday. At a media briefing in Islamabad, he said that the designs of the structure have been sent to the nuclear scientist’s daughter. Once they are finalised, the construction will begin. The Islamabad Capital Development Authority has been instructed to prepare a map for the mausoleum. It will build at the H-8 graveyard where Dr Khan was laid to rest. The Mohsin-e-Pakistan was given a state funeral on October 10. His funeral prayers were offered at the Faisal Mosque. Dr AQ Khan was awarded the Hilal-i-Imtiaz and the Nishan-e-Imtiaz in 1989 and 1999 for his outstanding performance in the world of science and technology.

‘PDM is a dead political elephant’

The minister said that the opposition alliance is going nowhere and has lost its political value. “The Pakistan Democratic Movement is a dead political elephant,” Rasheed pointed out, adding that the alliance should focus on better and bigger politics instead of “playing in ponds”. Talking about PML-N’s Maryam Nawaz, he said that she was digging her own grave. Passing inappropriate comments on the army won’t get you anywhere. “Inflation is increasing. There’s no doubt in that. I’m not one of those ministers who would give false hopes,” Rasheed said, “but you have to see the bright side of things too. Under the leadership of PM Imran Khan, we have prevented sanctions and defaults.”

Amnesty for prisoners

The minister promised a 90-day amnesty for prisoners at jails across the country on the occasion of Eid Milad-un-Nabi. A notification by the Interior Ministry has been sent to all provincial secretaries. Apart from people jailed for crimes such as murder and terrorism, all other prisoners sentenced for life will be given amnesty, it stated. Prisoners under the age of 18 years will be given the 90-day amnesty too.

This news was originally published at Samaa