Pakistan will double it's IT services to USD4 to 5 billion, Moin ul Haque

“In the last financial year, our IT services export reached a record of USD 2 billion. There is a very promising future. We hope that in a couple of years, we will double it to USD4 to 5 billion,” said Pakistani ambassador to China Moin ul Haque on the 4th Belt and Road Service Trade Cooperation Forum recently held in Beijing. 

Pakistan will double it's IT services to USD4 to 5 billion, Moin ul Haque

The forum was held by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and China Service Trade Association.  Moin ul Haque, together with Federico Rah, deputy head of the Uruguayan Embassy in China, Zhou Chenghu, chairman of the China Service Trade Association, and Wu Kai, CEO of Airwallex, participated in “Digital Belt and Road”  themed dialogue hosted by Long Yongtu, consultant of the China Association for Trade in Services.  

“In this globalized and interconnected world. Pakistan cannot remain isolated. For that reason, the Pakistani government launched a very comprehensive initiative of digitalization a couple of years ago. It looks at the whole issue as an ecosystem and infrastructure development.”

During the dialogue, Moin ul Haque shared Pakistan’s experience of digitalization. “There’s a focus on sectoral digitalization, like on agriculture, education or health. We are also focusing on e-commerce. ” 

Moin ul Haque told us that Pakistan would like to develop its e-commerce infrastructure. “Telecommunication sector has been upgraded. Our internet penetration, mobile services and e-payments are being developed and modernized. Then we are promoting innovation and entrepreneurship and start-ups for that. Incubation centers have been set up in provincial capitals. We’re also setting up specialized innovation centers for tech, AI and robotics.” 

“E-governess is also a very important part for which all important government institutions are being digitized and interconnected.”He said, adding that Pakistan is also setting up special IT zones and software technology parks, and also partnering with some Chinese companies. 

Except for new policy formulations and infrastructure development, Moin ul Haque also stressed the importance of human resource development. “60 % of Pakistanis are young and very talented, especially in the IT field. We are taking some new policies and measures to give them equal access and we are also focusing on gender equality.” 

“Pakistan’s economic progress is very encouraging. There are also many opportunities for cooperation between China and Pakistan,” Long Yongtu commented. “We hope that China-Pakistan cooperation in service trade and digital economy can become a new growth point of China-Pakistan cooperation.”

Originally published at China economic net