US Department of States launches GIST catalyst virtual pitch competition 2021

The U.S. Department of State is excited to announce the 2021 Global Innovation through Science and Technology GIST catalyst virtual pitch competition will be taking place virtually during Global Entrepreneurship Week (8-14 November, 2021).

US Department of States launches GIST catalyst virtual pitch competition 2021

The U.S. Department of State is excited to announce the 2021 Global Innovation through Science and Technology (GIST) Catalyst pitch competition will be taking place virtually during Global Entrepreneurship Week (8-14 November, 2021).

Applications are now open!!!

Who Should Participate?

The answer is simple: you should but the reason is more complex! Now, more than ever, the challenges humanity faces seem insurmountable. From global health and clean energy to water security and food scarcity, we as a species have never been so in need of creative minds to present a sustainable and equitable path forward.

What is GIST Catalyst?

GIST Catalyst offers young STEM entrepreneurs the opportunity to elevate their pitch and showcase their scale-up on a global stage, while receiving valuable mentorship from American entrepreneurs and academics who are leaders in the field of entrepreneurship.

Catalyst also provides participating entrepreneurs with the opportunity to increase the visibility of their scale-up. Because the live semi-final and final pitches will be held on a virtual platform, the viewers will not be limited geographically.

This is an opportunity to promote your scale-up to your community, network, and the world – showcasing your innovation and attracting support. GIST Catalyst has helped innovators secure funding for their ventures, collaborate with the U.S. private sector, and build new partnerships.

How to Apply

Applications for this opportunity open on 2 August, 2021 and close on 22 September, 2021.

All entrepreneurs between the ages of 18 and 40 from GIST economies are encouraged to apply. Technologies that address global challenges through Agriculture Innovations, Clean Climate & Energy Innovations, Global Health Innovations, Water Solution Innovations are particularly encouraged to apply. Please note, you will need to make a 90 second pitch video and use a video hosting service such as YouTube for your GIST Catalyst application. This video will be used during the adjudication, allowing judges the chance to learn more about you and your scale-up. Please ensure your pitch video is concise, high-quality and no longer than 90 seconds. All pitch videos need to be in English.

Eligibility Requirements

All pitch videos and live pitches must be done entirely in English.

All entries should be at the Idea or Startup stage.

The pitching entrepreneur must be between the ages of 18 and 40 and from a GIST economy.

Special consideration will be given to startups who address challenges through Agriculture Innovations, Clean Climate & Energy Innovations, Global Health Innovations, Water Solution Innovations.

Special consideration will be given to startups whose solutions address the needs of traditionally underrepresented groups.


Participants of the 2021 GIST Catalyst Virtual Pitch Competition will be competing for tens of thousands of dollars in mini grants and entrepreneurial resource prizes, the opportunity for mentorship and training, a chance to showcase their innovative solution to the entire GIST community including investors, and the prestige that comes with every GIST event.

Important Dates

Applications Open: 2 August, 2021 (Close 22 September)

Judging of Contenders: 27 September – 13 October

Semi-finals Live Virtual Pitching: 1-5 November

Finals: 9 November (Live Pitching Finals)

Originally published at Gist network