A collaboration with smart glass firm Gauzy includes technology which dims the transparent OLED screens to any desired opacity, enabling enabling high contrast ratios in bright environments and in shifting light conditions.

Two transparent OLED screens designed by LG Display are to be showcased at this year’s International Motor Show (IAA) in Munich in a collaboration with material science and smart glass technology company, Gauzy.

Each of the 55-inch transparent OLED displays is equipped with different technologies allowing for smart and dynamic transparent displays from the screens.

LG and Gauzy are aiming to work with transportation businesses to change their windows when using the screens on their vehicles to allow for the best quality performance, with LG Displays already supplying transparent OLED for windows on subway trains in Beijing and Shenzhen, China as well as on Japan’s overground trains.

The first screen at the IAA show is fitted with Insulated Glass Unit (IGU) technology. IGU is a special tempered glass that provides the strength to handle impact and vibration.

The second screen is laminated with Gauzy’s Suspended Particle Device (SPD) smart glass technology, which enables high contrast ratios. With this technology, the transparent OLED displays can adapt to brighter environments and changes in lighting conditions.

To create greater contrast when direct light hits while also providing shade for passengers to enhance the safe and comfortable travelling experience, SPD technology dims the transparent OLED panel to any desired opacity, blocking up to 99 per cent of light and allowing high contrast and rich colours through day and night.

With this high contrast and clear visibility, travellers on public transport links will be able to check travel information quickly, as well as watch entertaining content on board, while giving advertisers the opportunity to get their products noticed.

Eyal Peso, Gauzy CEO, commented: “The future of displays is transparent, and it’s here now. The ability to make any window active, multifunctional, and the ability to provide both visual and thermal comfort alongside communication is one of Gauzy’s core goals. By adding our LCG smart glass technologies to glass and other technologies like transparent OLED’s with SPD by LG Display, together, we are setting a new standard in signage.”

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By Arsalan Ahmad

Arsalan Ahmad is a Research Engineer working on 2-D Materials, graduated from the Institute of Advanced Materials, Bahaudin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arsalanahmad-materialsresearchengr/