energy transition

Company is lead the world into its carbon-free future with its Zero Emission Energy supply chain for overseas shipping of 100% green hydrogen. 

energy transition

The company is not just a global developer of integrated compressed gas shipping solutions but is also committed to facilitating the energy transition for a Zero Emission Energy supply chain for international shipping.

Flagship products

The company has two flagship projects – its new compressed natural gas vessel CNG Optimum and a second ship designed for hydrogen transport, the C-H2.

C-H2 is still in development but promises to have a serious impact in the hydrogen transportation space. Hydrogen Standard’ highlighted that both vessels are “serious technical achievements and efficiency”.

The CNG Optimum is designed to maximise the amount of compressed natural gas that can be stored in its hull, with a capacity of 200 million feet.

It uses hexagonal close-packed, high-strength pipes that run the entire length of the cargo hold to ensure the gas storage pipes are tightly held together.

The ship was granted approval by the American Bureau of Shipping in January 2019 and is ready for production. Granting of the approval is a major milestone for GEV and the culmination of three years of work.

C-H2 under development

‘Hydrogen Standard’ believes that it is Global Energy Ventures’ second vessel that will steer the world into a carbon-free future.

The C-H2, the world’s first hydrogen-carrying ship, is still under development and the company is targeting full design approvals in 2022.

A recent scoping study has shown the project to be “extremely promising” with minimal technical barriers for commercialisation and at a very competitive cost.

The C-H2 provides a zero-emission supply chain for the marine transport of 100% green hydrogen, which GEV describes as “the holy grail for a net-zero future”.

‘Hydrogen Standard’ noted that the C-H2 had different demands to natural gas, with greater attention needed for safety.

GEV is also working with Ballard Power, a fuel cell manufacturer to install a 1 MW fuel cell to power the vessel.

Source Proactive