Toyota Company will launch its new hydrogen driven Corolla and Prius in 2023 as it looks to enhance its zero-emission vehicle range.

Toyota will launch its new hydrogen-powered Prius and Corolla in 2023 as it looks to enhance its zero-emission vehicle range.

As reported by Forbes, Toyota plans to launch an all-new hydrogen powered plug-in electric hybrid version to its line-up in 2023.

This will be the first time that Toyota has blended its two signature technologies in plug-in hybrids and hydrogen power for the new hydrogen Prius.

In addition to the hydrogen-powered Prius, Toyota will additionally explore commercialising a hydrogen Corolla by 2023 with this vehicle having recently competed in the 24-hour Fuji race.

Instead of using a fuel cell like the Prius, the Corolla will utilise hydrogen to power its engine.

By releasing these two new hydrogen-powered vehicles, Toyota is situating itself at the front of green mobility and progressing the global adoption of hydrogen.

Few could argue that Toyota isn’t at the forefront of the current hydrogen mobility movement.

Toyota is flagship vehicle, the Mirai, is almost synonymous with the hydrogen-fuelled vehicle network today. Since its arrival in 2014, over 10,000 models of the Mirai have been sold world-wide and it remains one of only six fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) models in commercial production.

It’s also often this sleek saloon car that’s the subject of lavish liveries and demonstrative decals carrying an organisation’s message of clean mobility far and wide; most of us will be familiar with a high-profile publicity launch featuring a Toyota Mirai emblazoned with some sort of branding.

But crucially, it’s the nuts-and-bolts road experience that Toyota’s Mirai is excelling at too; dedicated to making hydrogen mobility a seamless transition from the conventional motoring experience of the past and present to the clean and sustainable experience of tomorrow.

Source H2-View

By Arsalan Ahmad

Arsalan Ahmad is a Research Engineer working on 2-D Materials, graduated from the Institute of Advanced Materials, Bahaudin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan. LinkedIn: