scholarships Philippines

Manila, Philippine Different government agencies offer scholarships for Filipino high school graduates and college students.

scholarships Philippines

By default, all undergraduate students of state universities and colleges and local universities and colleges, as well as Filipino learners enrolled in any technical-vocational education and training program registered with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, are entitled to free tuition and miscellaneous fees, as provided by law.

Department of Science and Technology (DOST)

The DOST has three main types of scholarships offered: merit, the Science and Technology Scholarship Act (RA 7687), and the Fast-Tracked S&T Scholarship Act (RA 10612).

Students with high aptitude in science and mathematics who are willing to pursue careers in the fields of science and technology may apply under the merit type.

Under RA 7687, scholarships are provided to “talented and deserving students whose families’ socio-economic status does not exceed the set cut-off values of certain indicators.”

Meanwhile, under RA 10612, scholarships are given to “graduates in the sciences, mathematics and engineering who shall teach science and mathematics in secondary schools throughout the country.”

Under Graduate Scholarships

Application deadline: August 28, 2021 (closed already, but this opens every school year)Types: Merit, RA 7687Eligible students: Filipino college students who are either members of the top 5% of the non-STEM strand senior high school graduating class or members of the STEM strand senior high school graduating classExam requirement: Should pass the S&T scholarship examination Privileges: Tuition worth P40,000 per year, book allowance worth P10,000 per year, living allowance worth P7,000/month, thesis allowance worth P10,000, and graduation clothing allowance worth P1,000. There is also a group health and accident insurance premium included for all scholars, as well as an economy-class round trip fare for students studying outside their home provinces.

Junior-level science scholarships (JLSS)

Application deadline: October 29, 2021Types: Merit, RA 7687, RA 10612Eligible students: Third year college Filipino students pursuing degree programs in the areas of science and technology who have a general weighted average of at least 83% or its equivalent and with no conditional or failing mark in the first two years in college Exam requirement: Must pass the Junior Level Science Scholarship (JLSS) examPrivileges: Tuition worth P40,000 per year, book allowance worth P10,000 per year, living allowance worth P7,000/month, thesis allowance worth P10,000, and graduation clothing allowance worth P1,000. There is also a group health and accident insurance premium included for all scholars, as well as an economy-class round trip fare for students studying outside their home provinces. Contact details:, (02)88308876 (phone), 09278868816/0921526814 (mobile)

Education For Development of Scholar Program

Eligible students: Qualified dependents of active OWWA members who intend to pursue a four- to five-year baccalaureate course in any preferred colleges/universities. Applicants also have a general weighted average of 80% in high school and belong to the top 20% of the graduating classExam requirement: Must pass qualifying examination conducted by the DOST and belong to the top 400 examination passer Privileges: P60,000 per school year.

Source Rappler