10 Wrong Habits and Tiredness is experienced by all, with a research in the US in the “Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health” in 2008

Tiredness is experienced by all, with a research in the US included in the “Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health” in 2008 showing that one-third of adolescents and adults often felt easily tired and sleepy. The condition of being easily tired is often synonymous with one of the symptoms of serious illnesses, though it turns out that fatigue is most often the result of lifestyle mistakes. Fortunately, there are several ways to change that condition, so that the body can re-energize and people can lead an optimal-quality life. Here are, 10 Wrong Habits and lifestyle behaviors and tips to overcome fatigue to live life to the fullest, as reported in Healthline.

  1. Excess carbohydrate intake

Carbohydrates are generally known as the best energy producers for the body. On entering the digestive system, the body will convert carbohydrates into sugar. The digested matter is ultimately used as energy to conduct various daily activities. Moreover, based on the 2017 Indonesia’s Ministry of Health report, titled “Culinary Development,” Indonesians chiefly consume carbohydrates. Apparently, consuming excessive amounts of carbohydrates in the form of rice, gluten, and potatoes results in sleepiness and fatigue throughout the day, among others. This happens since the body’s blood sugar levels will spike during the process of digesting carbohydrates. The pancreas are working to produce large quantities of insulin to distribute it throughout the body.

The increase in blood sugar often makes people feel sleepy and tired easily. People can replace carbohydrates with foods that contain more fiber, such as vegetables or fruits, to maintain proper and stable levels of sugar. Okra and fish broth are also recommended for people looking for an energy boost.

  1. Passive lifestyle

Inactivity or a passive lifestyle can be reason behind a lack of energy. Sitting all day in front of a computer may be tiring and eventually leads to laziness to exercise. This was also proven in a research published in the “Singapore Medical Journal” (2013) that showed adults up to the elderly group of people opted to forego exercising, as they were too tired to move all day. One of the causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is daily activities that are conducted too often. A study found that CFS sufferers had little strength and endurance, thereby limiting their bodies from engaging in exercise. To overcome the routine that causes excessive fatigue, people are required to change some activities to make a significant change in pattern. For instance, people should keep standing while doing activities or use the stairs instead of the elevator. This can help to inculcate some form of physical activity into daily routine.

  1. Lack of sleep

Not gaining adequate and good-quality sleep is also one of the reasons for excessive fatigue. While sleeping, the body releases hormones that function to metabolize and control energy levels. The best time to sleep is at night, so the body will be recharged and be more energetic in the morning. A research conducted by the Academy of Sleep Research in the United States found that the best quality of sleep can be obtained with an average of seven hours per night. Maintaining a consistent time to sleep and replenish energy also helps the body to perform better and to not become easily tired. Sleeping during the day for a short time is also worth a try to reduce fatigue when the body fails to get quality sleep or lack of sleep at night.

  1. Food sensitivity

Food allergies or sensitivity apparently are causal to the body getting tired easily. People with high intolerance to several foods, such as gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, and corn, are more susceptible to experiencing excessive fatigue. The best way to deal with it is to consult a nutritionist or allergist to get suggestions and recommendations to fix the problem.

  1. Lack of daily calorific intake

People on a strict diet that curtail the amount of calories consumed in their normal eating patterns daily will more likely feel tired throughout the day. Calories are important for the body and for all metabolic, respiratory, and excretory processes. Not consuming calories according to the body’s daily needs will certainly change the body’s work patterns and potentially give rise to fatigue. Normally, humans require 1,200 calories a day to ensure optimal functioning of the body.

  1. Sleeping at the incorrect time

Sleeping at the wrong time can also reduce energy levels. Long hours of sleep during the day will disrupt the body’s digestive metabolic processes and change the body’s response in the day and night during a 24-hour cycle. The time people sleep determines how the digestive system works. When people sleep for a long time during the day, the body gradually finds it difficult to digest calories during the day and ends up experiencing chronic fatigue.

  1. Lack of protein intake

Lack of protein intake also seems to have an effect on fatigue. Consuming protein is recommended more as compared to carbohydrates to support the body’s metabolism. People on a diet are suggested to consume more protein since it is fulfilling but offers more benefits than carbohydrates for the body’s metabolism, while also helping to overcome fatigue. In the journal “Advanced in Experimental Medicine and Biology” (2013), a study conducted on Korean students found that students, who consumed high-protein foods, such as fish, meat, eggs, and nuts twice a day did not feel tired easily. In addition, protein helps the body to develop greater resistance.

  1. Dehydration

A well-hydrated body will maintain good energy levels. Lack of water can certainly cause fatigue not only physically but also psychologically. Dehydrated people will lose the ability to focus. Hence, ensure drinking at least eight glasses or two liters of water every day to prevent dehydration.

  1. Too many energy drinks

Several energy drinks nowadays promise to support the body’s energy levels, so people do not tire out easily. Some of these drinks are known to contain caffeine, sugar, amino acids, and large doses of B vitamins. It is true that the product can increase energy, but that is only temporary due to the caffeine and sugar content. It turns out that consuming energy drinks in the long term can worsen sleep quality as well. After the effect wears off, people will again feel incredibly tired and experience emotional disturbances. People can consume these drinks, albeit not for a prolonged period of time. People, who consume large quantities of energy drinks, are suggested to reduce intake and limit caffeine consumption through coffee or other types of beverages, especially in the morning.

  1. High stress levels

Excessive fatigue is also caused by high stress levels and can lower the quality of life in the long run. Stress is something that many people have experienced, but if it is excessive or occurs too often, then people can experience extraordinary fatigue. People, who cannot handle stressful situations, are advised to consult an expert to seek help and reduce stress levels. Yoga and meditation are also suggested to help relax the body. With movement and exercise of the body and mind, people can improve their quality of life and reduce stress to increase their energy levels as well. Thus, a plethora of factors are causal to chronic fatigue.

Health checkups are deemed important since fatigue is often a sign and symptom of other diseases. If the results are good, then people can continue to lead a healthy lifestyle by applying several aforementioned practices and starting to eat healthier. Switching over to a good lifestyle can help the body become more energetic and result in a better quality of life.

Source Antra News

By Arsalan Ahmad

Arsalan Ahmad is a Research Engineer working on 2-D Materials, graduated from the Institute of Advanced Materials, Bahaudin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arsalanahmad-materialsresearchengr/