
Technologies For Winter Sports Have Also Been Developed And Applied In Training And The Upcoming Winter Olympics.

By Zheng Yibing

Monday marks the 200-day countdown to the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. Organizers are busy putting the final touches on venues and other infrastructures. Meanwhile, Technologies For Winter Sports Have Also Been Developed And Applied In Training And The Upcoming Winter Games.

Twelve of China’s leading companies in industries like aerospace and automobile are finalizing the country’s first self-designed bobsleigh which will be released in September. With new materials and design, it will surpass many others in air resistance and its power will be there for all to see at the Winter Olympics next February, after the authentication from the International Snowmobiling Federation.

“The bobsleigh has great accuracy of measurement and can detect magnitude of force of only 4 grams,” said Jia Yi, an expert for the test of low-speed wind tunnel. Through other technological innovations, elite athletes in these speed winter sports don’t necessarily need the real thing anymore to train. In the exhibition, simulators are seen in typical snow sports “Skeleton” and others.

“On simulators, we can now also simulate sledge, cross-country skiing and slalom,” said Hu Guangyou, a product manager from Beijing HISIM Simulation Technology. Various physical training facilities are in place. Outwardly, they look like those in the gym but once their starting bottom is touched, it will be very difficult to handle the exercises as if the practitioners are on real ice and snow.

“The platforms like this treadmill simulate various athletic fields, like uphill, downhill, sideline and some obstacles,” said Zhang Guoqing from Beijing PuKang Sport and Medical.

Besides training and monitoring, athletes need to think of their long-term condition. Physical recovery is a necessity for winter sports. Equipment like the sleeping capsule is something new. The device helps professional athletes relax after training. It’s called a sleep cabin with a water-flow-like experience,” said Jin Liujie, an expert from Lide Sports.

“For the upcoming Winter Games in Beijing, measures for epidemic prevention and control are key. Many companies in China are contributing their ideas and technologies to the games.” Hong Yongdong and Kangfeng, the company he belongs to, are making and improving an air-conditioning system that can disinfect the air and kill the coronavirus.

“When crowds gather, the system can avoid cross infection. It guarantees the national team’s preparation and the holding of the upcoming Winter Games,” he said. With the Winter Games coming closer, more information on the venues, facilities and equipment will be announced. And, of course, we’ll keep being amazed by these new developments and innovations in winter sports.

This news was originally published at CGTN.