
Dr. Khalid Yousaf Said That Appropriate Behavior, Exercise, Healthy Diet And Hygienic Diet Are Multiple Lines Of Defense Against COVID.

Medical Specialist Of Family Medicines Dr. Khalid Yousaf Has Said That Appropriate Behavior , Exercise, Healthy And Hygienic Diet Are Multiple Lines Of Defense Against The COVID Pandemic. Elaborating further, Dr. Khalid, Executive Director Jinnah Hospital Mirpur Aazad Jammu Kashmir, said ‘Covid Appropriate Behaviour’ is not confined only to wearing face mask in public and frequent hand-wash, it also includes proper sanitization of objects one comes in contact and proper social distancing while in public space. This is equally important to break the chain of transmission, he added.

Talking to APP over the current rising spike of Corona virus in various parts of the world including Pakistan and Azad Jammu Kashmir, Dr. Khalid said that all the objects and articles that a person comes in contact need to be appropriately sanitized to ensure Covid-19 virus doesn’t reach any household. It is being widely suggested that the people prefer online transactions instead of exchanging Currency, he added.

The family medicines specialist said that first line of defense against Covid-19 is intake of a nutritious diet which must include all essential nutrients, namely carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals. He suggested that people should take fibre rich food, brown bread, oats, cereals and sprouts as part of a healthy diet. ‘One must also drink one litre water per 20 kg body weight, that is to say 3 liters of water for a healthy 60 kg person’, he advised.

Physical exercise for half an hour daily or walking 15 thousand steps must be done to maintain a healthy body with good immune system’, he strongly advised. Calling for staying alert against the signs of infection, Dr. Khalid Yousaf said Common symptoms of coronavirus infection include mild fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing.

“More acute symptoms can also appear in severe cases. It is advised that one should immediately consult a doctor or call Covid-19 helpline numbers of the officially-nominated health facility DHQ hospitals, close to their door-step in their respective residential districts in case the symptoms persist,” he maintained. ‘If breath rate reaches around 30 or fever persists for three to four days, one must immediately seek medical help’, he cautioned. On calling the designated help-line numbers, medical team moves to take sample of the sick person and his / her family as well.

To a question, Dr. Khalid underlined that Covid patients whose oxygen saturation levels fall between 94 and 90, and those whose levels emerges above 94 are advised to isolate themselves within their homes. Immediate hospitalization is required for patients with oxygen saturation levels below 90, he pointed out. A Covid-kit, containing medicines and essential supplements for the treatment and care of infected family, is primarily required to be kept with the affectee immediately after appearance of the symptoms of the pandemic, Dr. Khalid advised.

This news was originally published at Urdu Point.