
“Paul” Adah Is The Founder And CEO Of Scholarships-Africa. He Left His Friends & Family Back In 2015 To Enroll In University Miles Away.

By Kristen Skovira

A cutting-edge Kevlar company, social media with a cause, and a new spin on 3D printing. The next generation of ideas is being born right here in Idaho! Boise State University is helping the next generation perfect their pitches. One student entrepreneur, Sunday “Paul” Adah, tells Idaho News 6 he’s ready to take his idea – global.

Boise State Senior, Sunday “Paul” Adah Is The Founder And CEO Of Scholarships-Africa. He Left His Friends And Family Back In 2015 To Enroll In A University More Than 73-Hundred Miles Away. “I’m originally from Nigeria,” he said, “I had no idea where Boise was.” Now, years later, he not only knows the city, but he’s also thriving and on schedule to graduate this summer. Still, he hasn’t forgotten his roots.

“Growing up in Africa there’s a lot of challenges with finding funding to get a good education,” he said, “I noticed that a lot of Africans and black minorities have the same struggles.” It was those struggles that inspired Scholarships-Africa, a social media platform created to connect students to scholarship opportunities.

“[A] Centralized database for scholarships that targets West Africans and black minorities in the US and across the world,” he said. He brought his idea to this year’s Idaho Entrepreneur Challenge where he was one of two dozen students representing five Idaho Universities. Adah presented alongside Dream Driven Apparel, Cargo Made EZ, a company that designs Kevlar straps for trucks, and 3D Printcess, a tech start-up and viral fan favorite for its creation of 3D slugs.

Adah says pitching to his peers was a valuable learning opportunity. “How to pitch and also how to present my idea in a very clear and straight to the point way,” he said. Now, he’s taking the experience and looking forward to what the platform can become and how he can help others achieve their education goals no matter where they live in the world.

This news was originally published at Kivitv.