OpenAI has massive clients that use its services totaling over 300 applications that it produces billions of words per day for.

OpenAI is one of the most popular and top rising artificial intelligence company and it already has massive clients that use its services totaling over 300 applications that it produces billions of words per day for. The company remains an exclusive service that already has a waitlist that grows several interested applicants.

According to OpenAI’s recent blog post, the GPT-3 is one of the company’s most used services and technologies. It has now amassed a huge client list that requires its services daily. OpenAI already manages a steady stream of more than 300 clients and their applications that use the GPT-3 and other advanced AI features.

The company is famous as different big names in the technology industry have come together to form it and bring one of the rapidly improving technologies of the 21st century. While the world is not yet in that absolute position that its artificial technology is perfect, it has already contributed to its improvement on a massive scale.

The GPT-3 is one of the signature technologies produced by OpenAI and has been used in various applications for different aspects of technology and industries, including creatives, games, and productivity. OpenAI said that it designed its API to be simple and accessible to anyone, but at the same time to contribute to its application’s “productivity.”

The blog post said that OpenAI’s GPT-3 already on the global scale and has been servicing a handful of clients that depend on its services and technology. The different companies that use its technology have already been building on its platform, serving as a massive aspect in development.

Currently, OpenAI said that the company already has a daily production of 4.5 billion words per day, which is a massive process for the company. It shows that it has already grown in size and popularity. Getting to apply for the service is now complex, especially as the company has many clients to accommodate and manage.

OpenAI is now holding a waitlist for interested applicants to use the company’s services and technology for their applications and needs, especially as the company’s products continue to grow to other than the GPT-3. The company has provided an online form to accomplish, and it promises to contact potential clients for when its services can accommodate others already.

Originally published at Brinkwire