
Amid Virus Third Wave, Federal And Provincial Educational Authorities Would Decide Whether Keeping Educational Institutions Open Or Closed.

Third Wave Of Covid-19 That Is Gripping The Whole Country, The Federal And The Provincial Educational Authorities Would Decide The Future Of Keeping The Educational Institutions Open Or Closed Amid On Wednesday. Punjab, the largest province of Pakistan, has already closed the educational institutes in seven districts for 15 days to stem the spread of coronavirus.

There is a strong possibility that the government may give a go ahead to another closure for the educational institutes keeping in view the safety of the teachers and students. Federal Education Minister Shafqat Mahmood said the third wave of coronavirus is serious and requires a careful review.

In a tweet, he wrote, “The third coronavirus wave is serious; requires careful review. All education/health ministers will meet Wednesday March 24 at the NCOC to take a decision regarding opening or further closure of educational institutions. Health of students, teachers/staff primary consideration.”

Last year too, the educational activities remained suspended for the most part of the year due to the coronavirus with students getting promoted without examinations. However, this year the federal government is determined not to promote any student without the exam.

This news was originally published at Daily Pakistan.