Samsung Galaxy S22 set to crash Apple iPhone 13 party with this advanced new tech

The Samsung Galaxy S22 was already looking like a simply incredible smartphone thanks to its slated adoption of an under-screen selfie camera.

Samsung Galaxy S22 set to crash Apple iPhone 13 party with this advanced new tech


But now it appears to have gotten even more potent, with another new advanced new technology set to help it crash the Apple iPhone 13 party.

That technology? As noted by Samsung’s leakster-in-chief Ice universe, it is bringing a 200mp smartphone camera sensor to market in 2021 and it looks destined to debut in a Samsung phone early next year in the Samsung Galaxy S22.

Back in January Ice universe, who has a basically bullet proof track record in accurately calling future Samsung phone tech and developments, said that “Samsung ISOCELL will launch many innovative sensors in 2021. 200MP is coming soon.”

And now Ice has followed that up with even more information on these sensor developments, specifically calling out the ISOCELL 200MP 0.64μm sensor for completion in quarter two 2021.

Now, for those who don’t follow Samsung’s phone closely, right now its flagship smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra, comes loaded with a very large 108MP sensor, which was first used on the Xiaomi Mi Note 10 late in 2019. Samsung then proceeded to use that sensor after that in its S20 range, released in 2020, with the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra making use of it.

And this typifies the recent pattern with Samsung’s smartphone sensor adoption. Samsung has been creating these camera sensors only for other brands, and notable Xiaomi, to use them before it does.

And with the timing that Ice universe has called out for the 200mp sensors being made available, as well as Samsung’s history in terms of when it adopts its own tech into its phones, that points to the first Samsung phone to make use of the 200mp sensor to come from the Samsung Galaxy S22 range, which is slated for an unveiling in early 2022.

Now, crucially, that will come after the Apple iPhone 13 is released to the world in late 2021. Typically Apple announces its smartphone in September and then releases them in October, meanwhile Samsung actually released its S21 range this year earlier than normal in January, rather than February.

So, at the very widest range the iPhone 13 will get roughly a three-month head start on Samsung Galaxy S22, but at the narrowest (and especially so if Apple has to delay the iPhone 13 launch like it did with the iPhone 12), it could only be one or two. And this will put the phones side-by-side in many people’s eyes.

And, simply put, unless Apple does something remarkable and massively upgrades the 12MP sensors loaded into its iPhone 12 range for iPhone 13, it sure looks right now that Samsung’s 200mp sensor is going to have it well and truly beat.

Now, of course, sensor size is only one factor in how good a camera is, and Apple has shown how you can get great results even with smaller sensors. However, there’s no doubting that larger sensors properly used deliver big advantages, and the Samsung Galaxy S22 is going to have access to those.

As such, it looks like Apple iPhone 13 could very well see its party crashed by the Samsung Galaxy S22. Here’s hoping we get more official information about both the S22 and the iPhone 13 soon, as that will give us a more accurate idea as to just how these two new handsets are going to stack up.

Originally published at T3