Balochistan To Plant 4.2 Million Saplings This Year

Balochistan has kicked off tree plantation drive to plant 4.2 million trees in the current year under the Prime Minister Imran Khan’s initiative of 10 billion Tree Tsunami (10BTT) programme to promote greenery and reduce challenges and impacts of global warming in the country.

Balochistan To Plant 4.2 Million Saplings This Year

According to a provincial forest department official, around 0.2 million trees were planted across the province under the ‘Plant For Pakistan’ in the spring plantation drive which was started from Friday.

He said that Balochistan government would plant 0.2 saplings to ensure the plantation of maximum number of trees. Some 37,000 trees would be planted in Gwadar district during the current plantation drive, he added. The department would distribute saplings among the citizens to achieve the target, the official said.

“The government will achieve the target of plant 4.2 million trees this year to make the environment clean and green in the province,” he said adding trees played major role in improving urban landscape and helping to protect the environment.

He added the government had prioritised road side areas for the drive and the forest department would focus to plant trees in schools, colleges, public parks and green belts in Quetta and other districts.

In order to engage people in the drive, the official said, “The government has decided to establish model nurseries at district level in Balochistan and the citizens would be engaged in plantation campaign through door-to-door service.”

The Balochistan has orgnized, a training workshop titled “Climate Smart Agriculture” in the province from January 16, 2021 to March 18, 2021 in seven districts of the province.

The staff of agriculture department of districts includes Pishin, Mastung, Noshki, Dera Murad Jamali and Dera Allahyar, Sibi, Killa Saifullah would be imparted training regarding the climate resilient agriculture.

There will be special training sessions for capacity building of staff working in Agricultural Extension, Agricultural Research Institute, In-Farm Water Management, and Agricultural Engineering.

Originally published at Urdu point