
Research is the formation and modeling of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new innovative and creative way to generate new concepts, methodologies and hypothesis. By using this process someone can answers things that are unknown, filling gaps in knowledge and remodeling the way that ordinary scientific community and healthcare professional’s work. Scientific quantitative research is one of the most existing and rewarding of all occupations.

By Iqra Tariq ,Kashaf Rasool

Research Grant:

To accomplish a research, it is necessary to have a sense of making convincing research proposals and after that money is required to put a significant boost in a working field to complete it on given time duration. This process is compiled in a single word called Research Grant. It can be easily guessed from the name: a grant that funds research. In general, a research grant can refer to anything from a sum of money given to a researcher for all expenses that is limited only to quantitative research.

            Research grants can be applied to research that is already taking place or pave the way for completely new research in a field. As Wernher von Broun said:

Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing.”

 There are two sources of quantitative research funding government and corporations/ companies/ agencies, they send us money to execute a research only if they find future implementations on the project. Many governments of developed countries provide considerable funds for scientific research and as well as social science research and their funding is between 1.5% and 3% GDP.

 In twentieth century, scientific and technological research became increasing systematized, as corporations developed that continued investment in research and development (R&D) could be key element in this competitive world. While private funded companies are mostly profit-oriented. The top listed organization in Pakistan which approves research grants is Higher Education Commission (HEC). Pakistan Academy of Science (PAS) is another funding organization whose research funding also assists in the institutional development by providing lab equipment, chemical supplies and other research requisites so that research can be carried out in a effective way. Other national organizations include Pakistan Science foundation (PSF), Ignite national technology Fund, NESCOM. Some agencies provide travel grants as well. 

Elements of Research Grant Application:

            Grant is not an is a plan that you need to convince yourself, your team, your institution and then the funder. A convincing Quantitative research grant application require the following elements:

  • Research Title page and cover letter:

It contains a convincing and innovative research title which landmarks whole scenario and someone’s interest area so that anyone can easy understand the content.

  • Introduction/ Abstract/ Summary:

A brief overview of the proposal with information about the institution, its ability to complete the project, need, methods to be used and how those served will benefit. This is the first thing the reader sees, but it is written last.

  • Institutional Background:

It describes the institution in terms of its location, demographics, mission, relationship to the service area and past successes in the project area so that funders easily 

  • Problem statement/ Need assessment:

Problem or need is documented with effective and supportive data that linking to organization’s goals and priorities. As a result, funding agencies could clearly know about what you want from them.

  • Program Goals/ Objectives (Outcomes):

It identifies anticipated outcomes and benefits which one hopes to accomplish as a result of project in a measurable term.

  • Review of Literature:

Discussion of work done by others gives a reviewer or organization the impression of how this project will bring upon and what has been done by others already. As a result of that they will be ale to know what we want to do in the quantitative research.

  • Methods/ Implementation plans:

It describes the activities that directly support the achievements of objectives. While the description outlines in more general terms what the project is about , how long it will take to complete, the action plan spells out in specific steps and procedures how the project will take place.

  • Management/Key Personnel:

Demonstrate that you are the right person to do this project. Convince the funding agency that you can accomplish what you say. Highlight the expertise and experience of all key personnel. Also indicate responsibilities of all, and level of effort.

  • Evaluation Plans:

Presents a plan for determining the success of the project at the end of the project.

  • Future fundings/ Sustainability:

It describes how will expenses be covered if not supported by the grant. It also describe how the project effort will continue after the grant ends.

  • Budget:

It spells out project cost and usually consists of spreadsheets or a tables that includes budget details as line items.

  • Other Analysis Components:

It may include documents such as letter of support and personnel information who proposes to do a project. It also include proposed material. Reviewers need to be convinced that the research team is capable. Evidence for this includes education and training; scientific track-record; specific expertise; appropriate percent effort committed; and use of consultants to fill gaps in staff expertise.

It is important to be able to answer the “5 Ws” questions when seeking a grant which possesses WHO? Who will benefit from the programs, who are the partners and who will run the program? What? what is the technology, services people needed to be in place for the implementation of the program? When? When do you want to implement the project, and can you meet the deadline? Where? Where do you want to execute the plan and if other cities are also involved in that plan? Why? Why you want to work on this plan, is this work has future worth or not? You are being able to provide these details will position your program to funders. This explains why your program deserves their attention.

Phases of Grant Program:

            The research grant process included four phases:

  1. Pre-Award:

It brings about searching adds of grant funding opportunities and involves preparation, applying and submission processes.

  1. Award:

It involves making funding decisions or response after reviewing proposals and notify awardees of their selection of a quantitative research grant.

  1. Post-Award:

It involves formation of accounts for money and monitoring awardees for applicable rules and regulation. As Robert A Heinlein said:

Every Thing is theoretically  impossible until it is done.

  1. Close Out:

It involves reporting, review and approval of all the final outcomes as required by the organization policies and regulations.

As Mervin Gordon said:

“No research is ever quite complete. It is the glory of a good bit of work that it opens the way for something still better, and this repeatedly leads to its own eclipse.”

Golden rules for grant writings:

            The golden rule of any quantitative grant application is that each will be different. Research your research grants! Another golden rule of grant writing is to never give up! Most programs will have limited funding, and many times there will be more applications than there is funding to go around. Don’t get discouraged and certainly never stop trying.

As someone said:

Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.


I am a motivated scientific researcher who have a courage to do a part in scientific world.