
What If You’ve Tried All Of These Troubleshooting Steps, But You Still Can’t Speed Up Your Windows PC? You Need Professional’s Guidance.

By Serena O’Sullivan
  • Try the Performance troubleshooter

A great place to start is with your computer’s automatic troubleshooter. This program checks for issues that could slow down your computer’s performance, like multiple programs running at once or how many people are logged in to your computer. To open the Performance troubleshooter, enter the Control Panel first. To do this on Windows 10, click the Start button or press the Windows key. Type “Control Panel” into the search box in the Start menu, like this:

Then, hit your Enter key. Windows will search for and open the Control Panel application. From there, scroll down and tap on Troubleshooting. Tap on the heading named System and Security. Under there, you’ll find the option Run maintenance tasks. Then, a new box opens up, Hit Next, and your PC will troubleshoot to search for the problem slowing down your computer. No problems detected? Try this next step.

  • Run fewer programs at the same time

Your behavior has a huge impact on your PC’s performance. Do you work with multiple programs running in the background? If so, they’ll gobble up processing power and reduce your PC’s performance. You should also watch out for pesky programs that continue to run in the background even after you’ve closed them. Others may begin automatically when you start your computer. Even if you’ve got a top-of-the-line model, there’s only so much space your PC can take up.

Ask yourself, “Do I really need to keep all of these windows open at once? Do these programs need to run simultaneously, or can I use them one at a time?” By being aware of your computer’s limited capacity, you can boost its performance over time. Here’s another tip: Scrub away unnecessary files. If you’ve got hundreds of photos you never look at, comb through them. Keep what you want and delete what you don’t need — they’re just taking up space and slowing down your workflow.

You should do the same for your tabs and emails. When you’ve got too many windows open, your computer can’t process them quickly. If you don’t know where to start, tap or click here for an easy guide to cleaning up your browser tabs. By running fewer programs simultaneously and cleaning up your files, you’re doing your computer a huge service. Basically, you need to save space on your PC by only using what you need. Now, what if your computer is still running slowly? In that case, your issue may be with your computer’s aesthetics rather than its storage space. Here’s what to do next.

  • Turn off visual effects

Windows 10 offers a lot of cool visual effects and gimmicks. Unfortunately, your computer may struggle to render all the fancy transitions and transparencies. In that case, your laptop may snatch resources from more important processes. Want to prioritize usefulness over cool appearances? Luckily, Windows 10 lets you choose which visual effects to run. If you’re unsure of where to start, you can even let the system decide for you.

Tap Start or the Windows button. In the search bar, type Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows. A new window labeled Performance Options will pop up. Under the Visual Effects tab, click on Adjust for best performance. Then, hit Apply. Test this trick by restarting your computer. Is your PC running more quickly now? If not, it’s time to try out the next solution.

  • Restart regularly

This step is easy-peasy. You should restart your PC at least once a week — maybe even once a day if you use it a lot. When you restart your computer, you’re not only clearing out its memory, but you’re also shutting down pointless processes and services that eat up your device’s limited space. This ties back to the earlier tip about keeping a close eye on the programs that run in the background. The more you’ve got going on, the greater the chances your computer will start to slow down and run low on memory.

Here’s another problem. Throughout your busy work week, programs will start different services yet never stop them. When you’re struggling to diagnose your PC’s performance problems, wiping away the system through a restart can fix mysterious issues. What If You’ve Tried All Of These Troubleshooting Steps, But You Still Can’t Speed Up Your PC? That’s A Surefire Sign You Need A Professional’s Guidance. When it comes to high-quality IT help, there’s no better place to turn to than Solve iQ, our sponsor.

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Think of it this way: You could spend hours and hours searching the internet for a solution. You could bang your head as every technique you try fails. You could even interrupt your family’s tech genius and ask them for help. When all else fails, turn to the professionals. For a few bucks a month, you can call any time you want, for as many times as you need. You’ll get personalized tech assistance to clean your system, remove old files and update devices to the latest drivers for optimal performance.

This news was originally published at Komando.