SGMC is getting some new technology that will make it possible for mothers and even relatives far away, to check in on the new baby.

South Georgia Medical Center is getting some new technology that will make it possible for mothers and even relatives far away, to check in on the new baby.

They recently installed 32 Angeleye cameras.

They are located in different departments. It can be found in the newborn intensive care unit, postpartum room, labor and delivery and surgery.

The cameras stay on 24/7.

Parents and family can log on via a phone app or computer and view the baby at anytime.

”This definitely helps to integrate family and patient satisfaction and interaction, so it doesn’t matter where grandparents, aunts and uncles are. They can log on, mom can give them access and they can log on from anywhere and be able to view baby,” said Kristin Alexander, a registered nurse and patient care coordinator.

With COVID-19 and hospital visitation limitations, this will provide some ease to families.

The system also allows for nurses to communicate with parents and send messages.

It’s a good way to help the mom feel involved if the baby is in NICU.

SGMC officials said they are the only hospital in the surrounding area to offer this technology.

The system goes live on Jan. 27.

Originally Published at WALB 10