In line with its new vision to foster a culture of learning in the country, the Bank of Punjab entered into a partnership with the NUST.

In line with its new vision to foster a culture of learning in the country and to provide equal opportunity to the less-privileged segments of the society, the Bank of Punjab entered into a partnership with the National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad to promote higher education, research and innovation.

The agreement was formally signed at the Serena Hotel, Islamabad. Engr Javed Mahmood Bukhari, Rector NUST, and Mr Zafar Masud, President & CEO of BoP, signed the agreement at the occasion.

Under the National Talent Hunt Program initiative, the Bank of Punjab will promote and finance a few brightest minds in their pursuit of higher education. The discerning feature of the agreement is the commitment by the Bank of Punjab to encourage women empowerment in the country by sponsoring female start-up projects, as well as to encourage research on topics related to banking & technology related to banking. Speaking on the occasion Mr. Zafar Masud, President the Bank of Punjab, highlighted the key elements of the agreement.

Originally Published at Pak Observer