Wireless Electricity – MIT researchers find a way to power devices with Wi-Fi signals

The age of wireless electricity is not very far as researchers finally find a way to transmit electric signals to power electronic devices.

Wireless Electricity – MIT researchers find a way to power devices with Wi-Fi signals

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have created a device that powers electronic devices using wireless networking technology.

The age of wireless electricity is not very far as researchers finally find a way to transmit electric signals to power electronic devices.

The scientists used a rectenna – rectifying antenna – which is flexible in nature and can be able to convert AC to DC electricity.

The newly developed rectenna captures electronic waves carrying W-IFI. The antenna is connected to a 2-dimensional semiconductor that is very small in size.

The semiconductor turns the AC signal into DC voltage which can be used to power electronics – or to recharge batteries. During the experiment, the device produced at least 40 microwatts of power.

The future technology could be used to develop devices that don’t need batteries and would passively power themselves using WIFI in the surroundings.

The new technology will create a new era of AI and it can be functional in medical equipment as well.

Originally published at Daily pakistan