NASA has delivered a beautiful image of Earth from the ISS, just the kind that would kindle the realisation that our planet is beautiful.

“I thought at one point, if you could be up in heaven, this is how you would see the planet. And then I dwelled on that and said, no, it’s more beautiful than that. This is what heaven must look like. I think of our planet as a paradise. We are very lucky to be here,” said astronaut Mike Massimino on the beauty of the Earth. Sometimes, it takes us a look from Space to realise how beautiful the earth is, and NASA has delivered a beautiful image of Earth from the International Space Station, just the kind that would kindle the realisation that our planet is beautiful.

The wonders of Space are yet to be fully explored, but images, of our home, Earth from Space has always been nothing short of stunning. NASA in a fresh Instagram post has put up a long-exposure image of the snow-capped Himalayan mountains taken by an astronaut from the International Space Station. This photo may cause your jaw to drop.

In the post, NASA, says, “The snow-covered Himalayan Mountains are in splendid view in this enhanced, long-exposure image taken by a crew member aboard the @iss. The highest mountain range in the world, the Himalayas are the result of 50 million years of collisions between the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates. South of the range, or to the right from this perspective, lies the agriculturally fertile region of northern India and Pakistan.”

Furthermore, they say that the bright lights of the cities of New Delhi, Lahore are visible under the orange airglow of atmospheric particles reacting to solar radiation.

The post has since garnered over 1.13 million likes, hordes of comments from netizens enthusiastic about Space.

Originally Published at Deccan Herald