A Regina woman is asking residents to donate their old tablets and laptops to students, as schools move to remote learning in COVID-19.

A Regina woman is asking residents to donate their old tablets and laptops to students, as schools move to remote learning as a way to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

Tamara Huget, an intensive family support worker, decided to start a Facebook group called “Technology for the ability for all children to learn in Regina” to streamline donations for students who can make use of the electronics.

“Somebody offered to bring two tablets, great (they) showed up and had ten (they) had bought ten tablets so it’s just like amazing this has just taken off and it’s just steamrolling,” Huget said.

Huget has 34 families she wants to help, and has received 32 devices so far, but she’s still looking for more.

“I’ve had someone message me about a laptop and it just doesn’t hold a charge, perfect! They can use that, it plugs in hooks up to the internet they’ll be able to use it. Someone else just messaged me today about an old iPad, fantastic,” she said.

For now, Huget is hoping to get at least one device into a home that needs it, but once that’s been accomplished, she wants to be able to give more for families with multiple children.

“Technology, unfortunately, is at the bottom of the list when it comes to food shelter clothing, heating the house you know this is a huge deal for them to have this technology and a lot of parents have said they just want a chance,” Huget explains. “They feel like they’ve failed their kids by not being able to provide the technology no parent should feel that and no child should miss out.”

Regina students will spend an additional two weeks learning from home around the Winter break, as a result of high numbers of new COVID-19 cases.

Students are set to begin learning from home on Dec. 14, and will return on Jan. 11.

Originally published at CTV News