Tim Cook Urges The World To Be Carbon Neutral

Apple CEO Tim Cook Intervened Climate Ambition Summit, An International Summit On Climate Ambition Aimed At Relaunching

Tim Cook Urges The World To Be Carbon Neutral
By Aidan Rogers

Apple CEO Tim Cook intervened under the Climate Ambition Summit, an international summit on climate ambition aimed at relaunching and intensifying action to achieve the objectives set out in the Paris Agreement Cook highlighted Apple’s environmental initiatives, urging everyone towards a climate-neutral economy. He explained how the company he headed became a corporation carbon neutral, helping 95 of its suppliers to implement positive changes in the supply chain, and initiating the plan to neutralize the carbon footprint at every level of the company, the supply chain and the life cycle of its products by 2030.

“The choice between making profits and the future of our planet is a false problem, and the proof is the environmentally friendly innovations,” said Cook. He further explained that “this is not the time for marginal changes”, that together it is possible to make the transition to a zero-emission economy and start a “new era of inclusive opportunity”. The summit was attended by representatives from business, investors, local governments, youth, and civil society groups, highlighting the rapid growth of the coalition of countries, cities, regions, businesses, and investors who are committed to reducing emissions and promoting climate action, green finance, resilience, and adaptation to climate change.

Cook spoke of an “important appointment”, explaining that Apple does not consider the presence among the group of participants at the event as something superficial, but a distinctive medal and that in this historic moment of emergency, the leaders of all nations, companies, and those who guide the fate of communities around the world have the burden of acting. Cook explained that Apple “has accelerated progress” by helping to build a more sustainable future, that today all of its offices around the world are carbon-neutral, and is committed to ensuring that every product sold will be climate-neutral. by 2030, counting on eliminating its entire carbon footprint 20 years ahead of the objectives set by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

This news was originally published at Tech Lapse