Aga Khan University (AKU) has developed 3D printed, low-cost nasal swab for Covid-19 testing in Pakistan, the varsity announced in a statement.

Aga Khan University (AKU) has developed 3D printed, low-cost nasal swab for Covid-19 testing in Pakistan, the varsity announced in a statement on Tuesday.

According to AKU, Pakistan now has the ability to locally produce nasal swabs- the essential tool required to collect samples for Covid-19 testing- after the university successfully completed clinical trials using a 3D printed swab.

The statement points out that the coronavirus pandemic has led to a global surge in the demand for diagnostic test kits and components, including the cotton bud-shaped nasal swabs. As countries around the world ramped up testing facilities, Pakistan found itself in no different situation and had to import nasal swabs.

“Supply constraints at the peak of the pandemic from April, 2020 to May, 2020 led to AKU’s innovation lab searching for a solution by designing and developing a local alternative,” the statement reads.

The varsity has claimed the clinical trials on the prototype found the 3D printed nasal swab as safe, effective and user-friendly as imported swabs.

“Our printer can produce over 1,000 swabs per day at a significantly lower cost than those we import,” said AKU’s Technology Innovation Support Centre and Digital Health Resource Centre director Saleem Sayani.

“The 3D printed swab will reduce the need to import swabs for respiratory sampling,” said Professor Zahra Hasan from AKU’s department of pathology and laboratory medicine, and the co-principal investigator of the project.

“This can help increase Covid-19 diagnostic capacity across Pakistan,” she added.

Originally published at Express Tribune