a new Metapod sleeping bag that Make You Feel Like a Butterfree

Bandai has announced a new official Metapod sleeping bag that will transform you from a Caterpie to a Butterfree.

a new Metapod sleeping bag that Make You Feel Like a Butterfree


Bandai has announced a new official Metapod sleeping bag that will transform you from a Caterpie to a Butterfree. Pre-orders for the full-length Metapod Sleeping Bag are now available on the Premium Bandai shop for the low, low price of 35,000 yen (about $335 in US dollars). The unique polyester sleeping bag matches Metapod’s body shape and is built with a natural curve. That means you’ll have to either sleep while sitting up or sleep curled on your side to get the maximum usage of the Metapod bag. The bag’s head hole is technically on the back of Metapod’s head, although it also comes with two Metapod eyepatches so that people can’t mistake what you’re sleeping in. The bag also comes with an internal cushion, which should help make up for its weird shape. You can check out images of the Metapod sleeping bag below:

Metapod is based on a real-life swallowtail butterfly chrysalis, with the shape and color almost identical to the real world cocoon. The only major difference is that Metapod has eyes on the side of its head, while real world cocoon’s decidedly do not. Caterpie is also based on a swallowtail caterpillar, although those bugs have eyespots while Caterpie’s eyes are the real thing.

Originally published at comicbook