Federal Govt. has approved “Rolling Spectrum Strategy 2020-2023”. This was the main goal of the Spectrum Master Plan.

To ensure faster telecom network speed, Federal Govt. has approved three-year “Rolling Spectrum Strategy 2020-2023”. This was the main goal of the Spectrum Master Plan and the report has been developed by incorporating international best practices that are applicable to Pakistan.

The Spectrum Master Plan provides a future roadmap for spectrum allocation as well as spectrum-related policy reviews that are anticipated to take place between 2020 and 2023. The report has helped Ministry of IT & Telecom (MoIT&T), Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and Frequency Allocation Board (FAB) in formulating the 3-year rolling Spectrum Strategy – which is a key area highlighted in the Telecommunications Policy 2015.

The publication of the spectrum roadmap helps commercial operators with their network planning investments. It is crucial to recognize that the pace of change of industry is rapid and whilst the aim is to provide transparency and certainty to the industry, there is a need to review the plan (every 3 years) to ensure that the plan continues to be relevant. The report is prepared with collective efforts of MoIT&T, PTA, and FAB. The outcomes of International Telecommunications Union’s (ITU) World Radio-communications Conference (WRC-19) have also been incorporated in the report.