Advantages That You’ll Get From Using PDFBear As Your Main PDF Site Partner

It’s not actually often that you see a PDF site that offers a very user-friendly interface like the PDFBear

Advantages That You’ll Get From Using PDFBear As Your Main PDF Site Partner

PDFBear isn’t the only PDF site that you can find on the internet right now. If you go to Google, you’ll find hundreds of PDF sites; with that, choosing the best PDF tool will be quite tricky. That being said, PDFBear has many things that it can offer, which makes it one of the leading PDF sites right now, and here are the reasons for that.

Outstanding PDF Compress Capability

Most individuals right now are having a tough time finding a perfect PDF site that offers excellent PDF compress capabilities. If you’re in the same circumstance as them, then this is your lucky day. PDFBear has the best PDF compressor feature in its class. With PDF Compress, you’ll be able to compress PDF file online free from any charges, which is actually great.

Another cool thing about the PDF Compress is that you can easily access it by just going to PDFBear’s web page, and from there, you can click or select PDFCompress. You don’t need to register or input any personal information. When you’re inside the PDF Compress tool, the only thing that you have to do is upload your PDF, and PDFBear will do the rest for you.

Also, PDF Compress can compress PDF sizes of up to 1GB, which is perfect if you’re working with huge PDF file sizes such as photos, program algorithms, research paper, and other large files. Furthermore, after the process of compressing your PDF is completed, you can also easily download your file without any problem.

Best Security And Protection System

When you’re uploading your PDF or file to any online application or site, your information is prone to online theft if the site doesn’t have an excellent information safety feature. With that, PDFBear has the most sophisticated system that protects your essential information whenever you upload your PDF to their network.

Within an hour right after completing any process that you did inside of PDFBear’s website, every data or information that you uploaded will all be deleted or removed on the system, and this is automatic. You don’t need to follow some annoying steps anymore to delete your information from the system; PDFBear will do it for you instead.

Very Accessible

Another advantage that you’ll get from PDFBear is that you can access it anytime and anywhere you want. As long as you’re connected to the internet, you can use PDFBear. PDFBear is also optimized to any web browser such as Firefox, Explorer, Mozilla, and other existing web browsers.

PDFBear is also designed to run on any operating system such as Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, and Mac. The advantage of having to run on a different type of operating system is that you can also use different kinds of devices such as laptops, computers, smartphones, and tablets.

Excellent Cloud System

Whatever features that you will be using with PDFBear, it will not decrease or take any data storage from the device that you’re using; that’s because PDFbear is using a perfect cloud system. The good thing about this cloud system is that when you have an account with PDFBear, you can access it anywhere globally, which is excellent.

Offers A Wide Variety Of PDF Tools

PDFBear doesn’t only compress PDF files, but it also has many other useful features that you can use for your PDF needs. Some of these features are pDF converter tools such as PDF to Word, PDF to Excel, PDF to PowerPoint, PDF to JPG, and more. It can also do a vice versa conversion, which is very unbelievable.

Besides converting PDF files, PDFBear also has tools like Merge PDF, wherein you can combine particular PDF files and pages. If you want to delete a specific page from your file, you can use the Delete Pages tool of PDFBear, which is also very easy to use.

Other features that you can find in PDFBear are Compress PDF, Repair PDF, PDF Reader, Share Document, Number Pages, Add Watermark, Protect PDF, Unlock PDF, and more. To experience some of the other tools and features of PDFBear, you can go to PDFBear also provides a free trial if you’re going to try its advanced version.

Very User-Friendly Interface

It’s not actually often that you see a PDF site that offers a very user-friendly interface like the PDFBear. The blue color motif of the site is just very pleasing to the eyes. They also used basic text fonts, which make the words more comfortable to read, and it makes the site more formal.

You need to use basic text fonts or any text font as long as it’s easy to read on a PDF site just like the PDFBear is that most people who will be visiting the site are usually dealing with a lot of words and texts. Having a complicated or stylish text font will make the user or visitor experience a hard time reading their PDF.

Kudos to the web designer of PDFBear, which made a very excellent decision to make the interface of PDFBear direct and straightforward. You will also notice on PDFBear’s Interface that when you access it on your web browser or any device, all of its tools are presented on the front page right away, which is very impressive.

In A Nutshell

PDFBear is an excellent PDF site that offers many features that you will not usually get from other PDF converter sites that are existing right now. Not just that, you’ll also experience the most reliable security, a very user-friendly interface, one of a kind cloud system, excellent accessibility, and an amazing PDF compress feature.