Prof Dr Muhammad Moeen have said that eight million people in Pakistan suffer from eye disease and out of them two million have lost their eyesight.

Ameer-ud-Din Medical College/Lahore General Hospital Principal Prof Dr Muhammad Al-freed Zafar and Department of Ophthalmology Head Prof Dr Muhammad Moeen have said that eight million people in Pakistan suffer from eye disease and out of them two million have lost their eyesight.

They said diabetes, blood pressure, fog, smog, environmental pollution, computers, mobile phones and modern technology are on the rise in society which affect eyesight.

They stressed that eyes are a great blessing given by Allah Almighty by which man observes the universe. The importance of eyes should not be overlooked. If a person loses his/her eyesight, the whole world becomes dark for them. Similarly, due to the complexity of vision, enjoyment and beauty of life finish. Everyone should pay full attention to the protection of their eyes, they said.

Dr Moeen said that LGH retains unique honours in this regard and the hospital has all the facilities for treatment of eye diseases and there are options for all types of operations. Poor patients are treated free of charge, he pointed out.

He said that diabetes and high blood pressure also lead to dangerous eye disease and blindness which is spreading very fast. Prof Dr Muhammad Al-freed Zafar and Dr Muhammad Moeen said it was important to control eye disease.

Originally published at the news