A dead spotted lanternfly has been found in a shipment of planters and ceramic pots sent to Oregon from Pennsylvania.

A dead spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula, has been found in a shipment of planters and ceramic pots sent to Oregon from Pennsylvania, prompting concern about the invasive pest’s potential arrival and destructive impacts.

Recently, a nursery in the Corvallis area found the dead female specimen and called the Oregon Department of Agriculture Insect Pest Prevention and Management Program (1-800-525-0137) to report.

“We are grateful to the nursery for alerting us about their discovery,” said Dr. Helmuth Rogg, ODA Plant Protection and Conservation Programs director.

“We cannot be everywhere, that is why it is so critical to have the support of our industry and all Oregonians in detecting invasive pests such as the spotted lanternfly before it becomes widespread,” Rogg said. “The spotted lanternfly could become a serious pest here in the Pacific Northwest, and we want to prevent it from coming to Oregon in the first place.”

The SLF poses a threat to tree fruit and grape production. The SLF has also been reported as a serious pest of grapevines in Korea. Grapes used for wine are a high value crop in Oregon, valued at more than $238 million in 2019.

This invasive pest also prefers a broad range of more than 70 plant species including apples, cherry, chestnut, hops, maple, peaches, pear, pine, plum, poplar, oak, rose and walnut.

SLF was first found in North America in 2014, in Pennsylvania. It is believed to have arrived on shipments of stone from China. Since then, SLF has been detected in 11 eastern states (Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Maryland, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia). California has also found dead specimens in shipments to date.

ODA is not offering control suggestions at this time due to our intention to prevent the pest from establishing in Oregon.

Originally published at ktvz