Pakistani teams can register and submit their projects under the “4th Belt and Road Teenager Maker Camp and Teacher Workshop”

Pakistani teams comprising over students and teachers can register and submit their projects under the “4th Belt and Road Teenager Maker Camp and Teacher Workshop” which is being held this year from October-November virtually, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The camp is being organized by Children and Youth Science Center (CYSC) of China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) co-sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology, People’s Republic of China (MOST) and CAST and supported by ECO Science Foundation (ECOSF),Inter academy Partnership Science Education Program (IAP SEP), and Network of African Science academies (NASAC).

The Belt and Road Teenager Maker Camp and Teacher Workshop is an annual event aiming to strengthen cross-cultural exchange, promote international understanding, inspire innovation in young generation and also for all scientists and science teachers to promote mutual learning and fulfill their responsibilities in science education career.

President ECOSF, Dr. Manzoor Hussain Soomro told APP that the registered teams having at least three junior high school science students (13-15 years) and one teacher can register and submit their projects under this initiative till November 6 which will be evaluated by the international experts.

He said the mega event attracts over 200 participants from over 30 countries and international organizations. The best teams selected through this camp will be awarded with certificates and medals, he added.

Dr. Soomro said ECOSF is the coordinating centre of belt and road activities under Belt and Road International Science Education Coordinating Committee (BRISECC).

He was of the view that the event will be an excellent opportunity for participating teams to expose them to various scientific activities, such as science shows, thematic discussions, orientations and project executions.

It will serve as a platform for the students to cooperate with the best of their age at international level, to share ideas and study cutting-edge knowledge in science labs of top schools in China through hands-on experience and teamwork under guidance of experienced teachers.

Belt and Road Teenager Maker Camp and Teacher Workshop also include diversified cultural and scientific programs including Chinese cultural experience and various visits.

A dedicated website ( has been created for the information and online registration which was opened from�September 22�for the students and teachers.

The teams can be registered under five scientific themes including Health Education, Science Video, Smart Robot, Engineering Design and Transportation. There is no specified limit of teams registration since the camp is being held virtually this year.

In addition, Science education forum and teacher workshop would also be held for teachers and scientists to share educational practice of different countries and learn skills of STEM education.

Originally published at urdu point