CAS Call For Science Community To Increase Mutual Understanding

Bai Chunli, President Of Chinese Academy Of Sciences (CAS), Has Called On The World Science Community To Further increase mutual…

CAS Call For Science Community To Increase Mutual Understanding

understanding, trust and cooperation to cope with major infectious diseases and other global challenges.

Bai was on Friday speaking at the High-Level Workshop of International Research Institutions at the 2020 Zhongguancun Forum held in Beijing.

“No matter how the international situation changes, we should adhere to the spirit of science and discard ideological prejudice,” said Bai.

Bai stressed that the world science community should strengthen collaboration for prevention and control of COVID-19.

“The global academic community and industrial community should join hands to deepen the cooperation in etiology and epidemiology, testing techniques and products, medicine and clinical treatment and vaccine development,” he said. “The faster the new research and technology outcomes are applied to the forefront, the better the guarantee of our health.”

As China’s leading academic institution for science and technology, CAS has launched a number of international big science projects in the fields of astronomy, energy and high-energy physics.

Bai called for global cooperation and participation in such projects for more innovative outcomes.

The 2020 Zhongguancun Forum kicked off on Thursday. It highlights science and technology-based anti-epidemic efforts and is meant to boost innovation and global cooperation.

With the theme “meeting challenges with cooperation and innovation,” the four-day event drew some 2,600 representatives from over 40 countries and regions.

This news was originally published at