Pakistan Quiz Society

After the successful collaboration of Pakistan Quiz Society International (PQSI) with the Jang Media Group’s Honehar Pakistan, they have come onboard as knowledge partners yet again for Season 2 of the competition. Honehar Pakistan is the largest nationwide quiz competition for schoolgoing children in the country.

Pakistan Quiz Society

“We have organized thousands of quiz competitions at various levels of education but Honehar Pakistan was a unique experience altogether where schools across the country participated and children from class 3 to class 8 fought each other to win the title of Honehar Pakistan,” said Jawaid Raza Naqvi, Vice Chairman, PQSI. “The credit of its success goes to the Jang Media Group. Since it’s established now, we are expecting more participation this year and are ready for it.”

The knowledge partner prepares reference reading material, make test and quiz questions, invigilate and finalize results as well to ensure transparency. Around 12,000 students participated in the competition last year and the number is expected to go higher this year.

The aim of Honehar Pakistan is to give children a break from monotonous classroom learning and engage them in a fun, interactive and competitive way of learning.

The registered associate member of International Quizzing Association with headquarters in London, PQSI was established in 1974 and has been conducting quizzes for school, colleges and universities for the past 46 years. The society is lead by the Founding Chairman, Syed Asim Ali Qadri, who has handed over the reigns to the current President, Wajid Raza Isfahani.

“It has been an honour for PQSI to be a part of Honehar Pakistan yet again as the Season 1 generated tremendous response from children as well as parents and teachers,” shared Wajid Isfahani. “It was a grueling exercise to travel across Pakistan and selecting the best talent yet it was rewarding to see young children paying so much attention to a quiz competition.”

Syed Bakar Hashmi, the Quiz Master of Honehar Pakistan, also serves as the General Secretary of PQSI and is the driving force behind the quiz format and the questions. “We have tried to keep the questions easier this year and the school syllabus has also been taken into account for the convenience of children,” shared Bakar Hashmi.

Honehar Pakistan is a general knowledge quiz competition that has everything from science to history and from sports to technology. The schools and students will soon be able to participate in the nationwide quiz competition. To stay updated, keep reading Jang and The News.

Originally published by The News