Wonder Women Provides Online Help To Empower In Women In Steam

Even in a pandemic, Lisa Mae Brunson, founder of the Wonder Women Tech Conference, is still on a mission to introduce young girls and…

Wonder Women Provides Online Help To Empower In Women In Steam

women to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) industries.

 “I want women, people of color and all underrepresented groups to feel they have a community supporting them, deeply committed to their success and growth to become change-makers,” she said.

The four-day online event — happening Wednesday, Sept. 16 through Saturday, Sept. 19 — will feature more than 100 speakers, including Alexandria Butler, founder of Sista Circle; Dr. Ellen Ochoa, former astronaut and first Hispanic woman in space; Barbara Whye, global chief of diversity and inclusion officer at Intel; Dr. Lisa Coleman, senior vice president for global inclusion and strategic innovation at New York University; and Andromeda Peters, Miss United States 2018.

“We are excited to continue to revolutionize Wonder Women Tech and all the experiences we are bringing people by taking the summit and network online and offering scholarships for tickets,” Brunson said.

Like previous events, guests can expect to participate in networking opportunities, have their resume reviewed, attend a career fair and interact with the speakers. Although everything has been moved online, Brunson said that it’s just as important to make the event as interactive as possible so that guests can make the most of the Wonder Women message.

“The lack of representation for people of color, LGBTQ and disabled people inside of tech and STEAM industries is huge,” Brunson said. “These are the industries that create true and global change, so it’s important to make sure that they are inclusive and that people don’t need to be a certain type of person to be a scientist or engineer in any field.”

In addition to organizing the conference, Brunson is a commissioner on the Commission for Technology and Innovation for the city of Long Beach. Through the tech conference, she’s able to provide resources for women of all ages to help find their own niche in a field largely dominated by men.

The Wonder Women Tech Virtual Summit is happening from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 16 through Saturday, Sept. 19. Go to wonderwomentech.com for more information, to purchase tickets or to access the conference during the scheduled event times.

Tickets start at $50 for the entire four-day event. VIP tickets are $99 and includes a year-long membership with access to a mentor, workshops and special events through the next year.

This news was originally published at gazettes.com