Brazil Climbs Four Positions In The Global Innovation Index

Brazil Climbed Four Positions In The Global Innovation Index, Which Had Its Most Recent Edition Released This Wednesday Morning

Brazil Climbs Four Positions In The Global Innovation Index

With this, the country occupies the 66th position in the ranking, which covers 131 countries.

The National Confederation of Industry (CNI), however, warns that this is not a cause for celebration. Although the new position shows the evolution of some indicators in relation to 2019, it was mainly due to the fall of other countries.

The annual classification was created in 2007 and, since then, it has become an important parameter to assist global decisions, stimulate innovative activity and boost human and economic developments.

Innovation in Brazil

Between ups and downs, the country remains in a bad position, according to experts. Thus, to boost the innovation sector, the Business Mobilization for Innovation (MEI) emerged, which aims to encourage companies to place science, technology and innovation (CT&I) at the center of their objectives.

“Brazil remains in a position below its potential. We need to improve financing for innovation, strengthen partnerships between the government, the productive sector and academia, structure long-term policies and prioritize the training of qualified professionals ”, says the president of CNI, Robson Braga de Andrade.

Latin America

In relation to the 37 countries in Latin America, Brazil occupies the 4th position – which could be considered good, if the region did not present one of the most negative results in the global ranking. Despite this, it stands out in some aspects – such as being present among the top 10 middle-income economies in the quality of innovation criterion. Innovation Index

CNI will perform, at 11am this Friday (4), a live with one of the greatest specialists in innovation in the world, Sumitra Dutta. The event will address the strategic importance of innovation in our country and is an excellent opportunity for anyone who wants to learn more about the subject.

This news was originally published at