Online Dating Culture Increased In Pakistan Via Tinder

It Was Revealed That Most Of The Tinder Users Of Pakistan Belong To The Major Cities Of The Country Like Islamabad, Lahore, & Karachi, Online Dating Culture

Online Dating Culture Increased In Pakistan Via Tinder

Usually, users are between 18 & 40 years old.

Even though dating is thought to be a taboo in Pakistan. Dating apps like Tinder are having more and more users.

A user said that she has been on Tinder for 2 years. She called her experience as “liberating”. Adding that many Pakistani men do not understand women taking control of their dating lives as Pakistani women are expected to protect the honor of the family. Online Dating Culture

Still, it is significant to note that there has been an increase in users using Tinder in major cities.

There are other dating apps like MuzMatch, and Bumble used by Pakistanis. As per the study Pakistani youth are using Tinder for different reasons like hook-ups, finding their identity, building a relationship, passing time, relaxation, communication, and making friends. Online Dating Culture

The study findings revealed that people used Tinder to fulfill their psychological needs like finding someone they can talk to when alone and for their social needs.

This news was originally published at

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