
Tourism activities are examined to be one of the major sources of economic growth. Basically this report is about water based tourism.


Abstract and Introduction: 

In Pakistan there are not many tourists. So our purpose is to enhance tourism which is based on water linked with the CPEC. Tourism activities are multi-pronged and mostly have a positive impact on an economy. Tourism raises the GDP of any country. Essentially in Pakistan there are lots of places where tourism can be promoted. First we need to generate that type of places where tourism can be promoted. Such as beach resorts, under water projects like sea aquarium, malls and hotels also we can make floating restaurants. The places on which we can implement our projects are Gwadar port and Pasni. Furthermore we can provide our tourist some entertainment activities like diving, swimming, fishing, deep diving, underwater photography etc. from all these activities we can generate revenue and from foreign tourist we will have some foreign currency.


  • To raise foreign currency reserves.
  • Employment generation
  • To strengthen Pakistani rupees.
  • To receive goodwill of foreigners that assures peaceful environment of Pakistan to gain foreign investment.




We have a de,.’]

p sea in the form of Gwadar port and it is a great power.


We don’t have well developed infrastructure. The road infrastructure will ensure access to tourism for investment.




Yet, there is no work done for aqua tourisms. So this is the opportunity to enhance the beauty of Gwadar port, Pasni and etc. when we implement all these ideas our economy will boost up because a great number of revenue will generate by aqua tourism.


First of all, we should work on security. Security & safety has constantly been interrogated and those have usually wrong ideas about the state of affairs in Pakistan. We do accept as true with and wish to declare all travelers in Pakistan.


Result and Conclusion:

  • For resorts the cost will estimate between $5 M to $10 M.
  • Estimated cost for opening restaurants is $275,000 and in PKR 42,558,200.
  • Economy will have a good and positive impact.
  • Investment required.
  • This is all for increasing tourism and to entertain people.
  • Foreign currency and reserve ratio will increase.