
Vice President Of The Republic, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia Has Taken A Swipe At Critics Of The Akufo-Addo Administration’s Promise, Free Wi-Fi


To provide a free Wi-Fi to Senior Secondary Schools in the country.

Speaking at the launch of the New Patriotic Party (NPP)’s 2020 manifesto in Cape Coast over the weekend, the Vice President promised that Senior High Schools and tertiary institutions will, in the next term of the government, have free Wi-Fi to enhance teaching and learning.

“We will also complete the provision of free Wi-Fis in all Senior Secondary Schools and public tertiary institutions,” he said.

But critics say it is not feasible while others hold the view that the government is making lofty promises to win the votes of Ghanaians but won’t commit to delivering them, with particular emphasis on the provision of free Wi-Fis.

Addressing the criticisms in an exclusive interview with Kwami Sefa Kayi on Peace FM’s ”Kokrokoo”, Dr. Bawumia stressed that the free Wi-Fis is not a political gimmick.

He assured Ghanaians the government will execute the promise and disclosed the provision will be made for all SHSs in the country.

The Vice President further jabbed the skeptics saying making Wi-Fi freely accessible in all schools is not “rocket science. Having Wi-Fi is not rocket science. Other countries have done it but sometimes our minds are little limited. We always think that some things are impossible…But these things, other countries have done it; we can do it.”

This news was originally published at