
Mycotoxins are the secondary metabolites that are produced from the toxigenic fungi grow in agriculture products when they are produced and stored.

Authors: Dr.Maria Jamil1, Dr.Kashif Saleemi1. Dr.Ayesha Khatoon1, Dr.Ali Raza2, Dr.Muhammad Tahir Aleem3

  1. Department of Pathology, Faculty of veterinary science, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad
  2. Department of Microbiology, Faculty of veterinary science, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad
  3. MOE Joint International Research Laboratory of Animal Health and Food Safety, College of Veterinary Medicine, Nanjing Agricultural University, 210095 Nanjing, P.R.China

Gizzard erosion

Oral and dermal lesions

Oral cavity lesion

Pale and hemorrhagic liver



Mycotoxins are the secondary metabolites that are produced from the toxigenic fungi grow in agriculture products when they are produced and stored. These metabolites are usually belonging with universal fungi associated with Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, and Claviceps species that produce on grains and forages during stored and also in field conditions. For humans and animals, it has been accessed that at least 300 fungal metabolites are potentially harmful, and it has been estimated that every year almost 25% of the world’s cereal crops are polluted with measurable levels of mycotoxins. Toxins are formed when the fungal growth is produced in byproducts, stored forages, and silages. As a result, mycotoxins are produced in various types of feed ingredients, and the livestock production system is usually faced. In animals, mycotoxins have various ranges of physiological activities and are different chemically.

Feedstuff that usually polluted with mycotoxins






Animal feed

Rice bran

Tree nut


Wheat midds

Pumpkin seeds


Beet pulp



Soybean meal


Rotten apple

Rotten apple




These fungal species are known to produce the various toxins at a different concentration that have prominent effects on animal health and mainly influence animal production. The negative impact on the health and growth of livestock leads to make many problems in various production systems. The side effects of these toxins are liver damage, impaired kidney function, affect reproductive performance, also cause cancer and suppresses the immune status.

Control measures for Poultry farmers

  • Synergistic blends of mineral cause’s adsorption of mycotoxins
  • Biological constituent causes enzymatic degradation
  • BBSH 797 may leads to microbial proliferation
  • Phytogenic substances lead to phytogenic activation

Phytogenic constituents for immune supports

By marvi