Axim Biotechnologies Steering Wheels Of Discovery And and Development Of Monoclonal Antibody Therapies

Since its founding in 2014, Axim Biotechnologies Inc (OTCMKTS:AXIM) has been steering the wheels of discovery and development of advanced and targeted small molecule and monoclonal antibody therapies. The company has also made tremendous progress in the research of diagnostic tools for the early screening of cancer cells. The aim is to improve global cancer care by providing a basis for early cancer detection and responsive treatment.

Axim Biotechnologies Steering Wheels Of Discovery And and Development Of Monoclonal Antibody Therapies

However, the company has not been left behind in response to COVID-19. It has filed for an Emergency Use Approval (EUA) for its NeuCovix-HT™, a high throughput (HT) patent-pending diagnostic test. Unlike other serology tests for COVID-19, the diagnostic test measures functional antibodies’ levels in serum that neutralize SARS-CoV-2.

AXIM® Biotech CEO John W. Huemoeller II is hopeful about the success of NeuCovix-HT™. He says that it will be very useful to manufacturers in their Phase 3 clinical trials of vaccines and measuring levels of neutralization of antibodies.

The Chief Scientific Officer of Sapphire Biotech, Sergei Svarovsky, shared in the sentiment of Huemoeller II, citing that mix-and-read assay technology is faster, more sensitive, and economical. The sample processing power is also higher. ”… We hope this new test format will benefit clinical labs and vaccine development companies that need to process COVID-19 samples in a massively parallel and highly accurate fashion,” Svarovsky said.

With the current era of COVID-19, AXIM says its goal is to provide high-volume clinical laboratories. The second goal is to ensure that companies are adopting the test so they can cost-effectively and accurately monitor every participant of the clinical trial.

Sapphire Biotech, Inc., a subsidiary of AXIM® Biotechnologies, has received a $395,880 grant. The prestigious award granted by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) is commonly known as Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR).

The subsidiary will be using the grant in its continued efforts to develop novel small molecules that inhibit the enzymatic activity of Quiescin Sulfhydryl Oxidase I (“QSOX1”). The company has already begun pre-clinical animal drug studies on QSOX1.

Originally published at drpgazette