Pakistan Witness Speedy Recovery In Pandemic With 10,000 Active Cases

As the country is witnessing speedy recovery in novel coronavirus patients, the active cases toll is now down to 10,000 mark.

Pakistan Witness Speedy Recovery In Pandemic With 10,000 Active Cases

According to the government’s Coronavirus portal, after 519 more people speedy recovery from the dread virus, the active cases are now down to 10,694.

Moreover, a number of confirmed infections in the country spiked to 292,765 and fatalities to 6,235. However, 275,836 patients have recuperated from the infection.

A total of 1,173 patients are under treatment at 735 hospitals across the country, 121 of whom are struggling for their lives on ventilators. More than 2.4 million tests have been conducted thus far.

Sindh has reported 127,965 cases,

Punjab 96,178,

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 35,720,

Balochistan 12,507,

Islamabad 15,493,

Azad Jammu and Kashmir 2,245 and Gilgit Baltistan 2,657.

On the other hand, the World Health Organisation has recommended that children over the age of 12 should wear face masks like adults in a bid to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

Children aged 12 and over should particularly wear a mask when a one-meter distance from others cannot be guaranteed and there is widespread transmission in the area, the WHO and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said in a document on the WHO website dated Aug. 21.

Whether children between six and 11 should wear masks depends on a number of factors, including the intensity of transmission in the area, the child’s ability to use the mask, access to masks, and adequate adult supervision, the two organizations said.

Originally published at Bol news