Think Tank Recommend To Consider Vital Academic Policymakers

The federal government is about to launch an innovative portal to connect think tanks and academia with policymakers.

Think Tank Recommend To Consider Vital Academic Policymakers

The e-portal would help integrate think tanks across the country and enable them to contribute constructively towards government decisions and policymakers process.

Prime Minister’s Special Assistant on National Security Dr Moeed W Yusuf revived the Advisory Board of the National Security Committee (NSC). He chaired the board’s meeting on Tuesday at the Prime Minister’s Office.

National Security Committee (NSC) is the apex decision-making body on national security matters.

The Advisory Board is a sub organ of the NSC comprising leading think tanks who present recommendations for consideration of the NSC. The Board had not met since 2018.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI), Institute of Regional Studies (IRS), Institute of Strategic Studies, Research and Analysis (ISSRA) of the NDU, Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI), Centre for Aerospace & Security Studies (CASS) and senior officials of National Security Division.

During the meeting, Dr Yusuf said that the web portal will bridge the gap between the academia and the government, which was not done in the past, and will help the government make better policies.

“The portal is the first of its kind anywhere in the region and speaks to the government’s commitment towards inclusive policy making,” he said.

Yusuf was responding to the thorough exchange of views on the important role of various think tanks in the country in researching the challenges and opportunities facing Pakistan.

The participants noted that over 100 think tanks were working in Pakistan, but not enough has been done to channelize their input. The SAPM confirmed the National Security Division’s desire to set this right.

Explaining the PM’s vision, Dr Yusuf said that the PM had a “pro-people” and “pro-poor” outlook towards national security.

Dr Yusuf said that the concept of national security has evolved from its traditional connotation of border security to also encompass concepts such as human security, the welfare of the common citizen, economic security and environmental security.

He said that the government had adopted a multifaceted approach to cater to all the facets of the national security.

“While the western world has always unfairly cast Pakistan in a negative light, the reality is that all stakeholders are working together day and night to achieve true security for each common citizen. That is the target set by the prime minister,” he added.

The National Security Division is currently spearheading several key strategic initiatives under the PM’s guidance, including finalising a comprehensive national security policy document and document, formulating the economic diplomacy strategy, and playing a critical role in promoting Pakistan’s Kashmir policymakers in collaboration with all stakeholders.

Originally published at Pakistan today