Zartajgul Trolls Again Over Internet

Zartajgul, the State Minister for Climate Change, trolled again over the internet. She mistook 17 August as the birthday of General Zia ul Haq. However, he along with other people was died in an unfortunate plane crash accident.

Zartajgul Trolls Again Over Internet

She said that she want to congratulate PML-N’s leader Javed Latif over the birthday of their party founder General Zia ul Haq.

The Sindh Government spokesperson Murtaza Wahab and the TV anchor Nadeem Malik burst into laughter while Javed Latif shook his head. Nadeem Malik reminded her that “today is 17th August when General Zia ul Haq and many others were killed in a plane crash in 1988″.

Zartajgul then responded that the leaders of PML-N should then observe his death anniversary as General Zia ul Haq laid the foundation of Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz.

A few days back, she was also trolled for providing a new definition of COVID-19 or Coronavirus.

As soon as she gave the statement, people started trolling her on Twitter with the hashtag #Zartajgul. Here are some of the tweets:

Originally posted at hamariweb