FAPUASA Reiterates Demand To Remove Chairman Higher Education

The Federation of All Pakistan Universities Academic Staff Association (FAPUASA) reiterated its demand of removal of the chairman Higher Education Commission of Pakistan and planned to protest in front of the HEC offices on August 24.

FAPUASA, a representative body of public sector universities’ faculty, has demanded the authorities to remove chairman HEC and for appointing a competent person, who would resolve the issues of faculties and must have ability to save the education sector. The association had planned to launch protests throughout the country in front of the HEC offices in Islamabad on August 24.

FAPUASA has pledged that the protest would continue until the legitimate demands of the faculty were addressed. It expressed its reservations over HEC policies, saying the attitude of the chairman HEC towards academia is unacceptable. It also claimed that the chairman has miserably failed to address genuine issues of the academia during the last two years. It demanded to be given representation in policy making at all levels.

the article is originally published at The News.