
Job Seekers, The United States is among the top destinations for students who want to study for jobs in technology fields. But over the past few years,


Job Seekers, The politicization of visas that were once commonly obtained by students and tech workers has made many question the decision to settle in a place where their status is so tenuous.

Fortunately, plenty of cities in the rest of the world have universities with excellent STEM programs and access to tech companies for mentorship and job opportunities. recently rounded up the top cities that students might want to consider (see the full infographic below).

One of the main factors that went into choosing the cities for students was, of course, universities. Israel’s Technion has a long list of notable alumni that includes Johny Srouji, who’s senior vice president of hardware technologies at Apple, and Neri Oxman, who teaches at MIT Media Lab and incorporates digital morphogenesis into her work in art and architecture. Bern benefits from having a high-ranking university system—seventh in the world.

Job Seekers, Cost of living was also taken into account in this assessment. And while there wasn’t a large difference between the top 10 cities, Seoul is the most affordable.

A lot of personal and practical factors go into choosing a city to study in. But expanding the scope of where students look can only broaden their horizons and, potentially, their skills.

This news was originally published at