Six Sigma Certifications: Things for You to Pay Attention To

Professionals who do care about offering optimum support for projects in the companies foresee the need to get Six Sigma Certification.

Six Sigma Certifications: Things for You to Pay Attention To

Analytical skills and business acumen are great for your professional improvement. That is why learning proper methodologies to support this can have an impact on your career. And the best way to demonstrate your commitment is to earn a certification.

This post looks at the Six Sigma credentials necessary for every professional who wishes to contribute towards the success of the businesses they work for. You will gain an understanding of these certifications as we discuss all you need to know. First, let’s start with what Six Sigma is and what it deals with.

What Is Six Sigma and What Does It Mean to Get Certified?

Six Sigma concerns principles that utilize specific tools and methods in ensuring improvement in production processes, defect elimination, and quality assurance. So, professionals who earn badges from this vendor have validated skills in identifying faults and risks presented in business operations and getting rid of them.

Still, obtaining a certification in Six Sigma is not so easy and demands experience and proficiency. As it ensures you attain specialist skills in improving processes and acts as a demonstration of your credibility, you need to prove you possess all the required competencies and are ready to implement them.

But what options are offered by Six Sigma and how to choose the right one? And how to earn any of these badges at all? The next part answers these two questions effectively.

Six Sigma Certifications: What Is There for You?

There are several levels and roles making up the Six Sigma certification program. And each of them requires a specific skillset. For the sake of this post, we are going to cover the main options available that include:

  • White Belt

The White Belt certification proves the candidate understands Six Sigma concepts on the very basic level. It is suitable for those who work in the teams responsible for solving problems. Their main responsibility is to support projects, though they may not belong to any Six Sigma group or project team.

  • Yellow Belt

On the contrary, a Yellow Belt is a part of the project team. Their work includes reviewing the improvement of business processes that are supportive to the task they are working on. These specialists are still not ready to manage their own projects but can perfectly perform duties involved in achieving the bigger goal.

  • Green Belt

This is a stage where professional can lead projects on a part-time basis. Green Belts are concerned with assisting in data collection and analyzing projects for Black Belts. These specialists also support project advancements but on a higher level.

  • Black Belt

When you are a certified Black Belt, it means you provide leadership to projects that offer solutions to problems. Moreover, when gaining such expertise, you will also get involved in training and coaching of specialists and teams.

  • Master Black Belt

This is the highest level of the Six Sigma certification program. The mandate of a Master Black Belt is to train Green Belts and Black Belts. These professionals function more by developing core metrics as well as deliberate direction. As Six Sigma experts, they also act as consultants and technologists.

Besides these categories, the Six Sigma protocol also emphasizes on organizational support. This is where the executives and champions come in. The work of these individuals is to provide guidance on project selection and deployment. They also analyze the success of the projects and validate that each of them brings value and falls within the overall organizational program. Here are these specific roles:

  • Champions: They are concerned with translating the organization’s vision, mission, metrics, and goals. The intention is to ensure there is a deployment plan in place and that individual projects are identified.
  • Executives: As a Six Sigma certified executive, your work would involve providing overall alignment. To do this, you need to establish a deliberate focus of the program and ensure it lies within the organization’s vision and culture.

How to Earn Six Sigma Certification?

Once you’ve chosen the credentials you want to obtain, it’s time to find out the requirements and the possibilities available. First of all, Six Sigma badges are offered by different accredited organizations. They include:

  • ASQ (American Society of Quality) — offers everything needed for obtaining basic Six Sigma certifications only.
  • IASSC (International Association for Six Sigma Certification) — provides Lean Six Sigma credentials. They focus more on waste elimination and speed improvement during a business process in comparison to this certification badges that are about eliminating defects.
  • CSSC (Council for Six Sigma Certifications) — offers both types.

There are some slight differences in the levels of certifications offered by each organization. The IASCC, for example, has only three levels, which are the Yellow Belt, Green Belt, and Black Belt. The CSSC, on the other hand, also offers advanced badgeslike Green Belt II, Black Belt II, and Black Belt III. To qualify for these accreditations, you need to have completed a project. Also, pay attention to differences in certification fees: the cost varies in the mentioned companies as well as the conditions of taking assessments.

So, the main thing for you to do is to choose the credential, explore the offers of testing organizations, decide which of them meets your needs best, and prepare for a certification exam. Don’t forget that Six Sigma provides free preparation materials for you to get ready!


Professionals who care about offering optimum support for projects in the companies foresee the need to get certified. To cover such demand, Six Sigma certification protocol provides a defined route to follow. You can begin at the lowest level and work your way up. With their credential, you also become more employable and will attract promotions your way as well as better pay for your skills and performance. Keep learning and advancing your skills with Six Sigma badges, and the benefits of getting certified will not make you wait for them long!