Amazon alexa, how to play your music from someone else speaker

This is a really neat feature. Set it up once and you can use it on any Amazon alexa.

Amazon alexa, how to play your music from someone else speaker

If you’ve ever wished you could listen to your favorite Amazon Music playlists from someone else’s Amazon Echo device — whether you’re housesitting or safely visiting friends at a socially distanced gathering — you’re in luck. An Amazon feature called Guest Connect lets you access your music from any compatible Alexa device. For example, you can stream your favorite songs to your friends’ speaker without linking your phone to their Wi-Fi network.

Note that this won’t work if you have the Amazon Music Unlimited Single Device Plan, and it’s also not available on Fire TV, Fire Tablet, Alexa accessories or mobile Echo devices.

Before you can get started, you’ll need to have a voice profile set up on your Echo device. To do so, open the Alexa app and go to Settings > Account Settings > Recognized Voices > Create a voice profile and follow the onscreen prompts. You also need to make sure your phone number is linked to your profile.

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